sentieri per passeggiate

Walking paths

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    • 0/16 piste aperte
    • aggiornato al 18/04/2024
      • Campo scuola
      • Chiuso
      • Collegamento con Centro Fondo Enego bivio Campo Cavallo
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      • Pista agonistica
      • Chiuso
      • Pista agonistica Meimerle
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    • 0/6 piste aperte
    • aggiornato al 18/04/2024
      • Nº2 Tapis Roulant
      • Chiuso
      • Pista bob
      • Chiuso
      • Pista bob Kamikaze
      • Chiuso
      • Pista bob Kamikaze Plus
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  • Info rifugi

    • -/- rifugi aperti
    • aggiornato al 01/01/1900
      • Rifugio Base Malga Campomulo
      • Base Malga Campomulo
      • -------------
      • Rifugio Malga Moline
      • Malga Moline
      • -------------
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    • aggiornato al 27/06/2024
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    Dear friends, summer is approaching and we are happy to inform you that the Campomulo Refuge reopens! For now, you will find us operating only on week …

Itinerary from Campomulo to Rifugio Moline

Path for walk from Rifugio Base Malga Campomulo to Rifugio Malga Moline

itinerario da campomulo

    • difficulties
    • Media
    • Length
    • 8 km
    • Duration
    • 6 hours (round 3 + 3)
    • Elevation min
    • 1,500 m a.s.l.
    • Max elevation
    • 1,740 m a.s.l.
    • Signage
    • Mista
    • Departure
    • Base Hut Malga Chalet At Campomulo

The strege to Malga Moline is a suggestive path in the nature most beautiful and unspoiled of the north step of the Asiago Plateau, starting from the Rifugio Base Malga Campomulo.

It is a itinerary of mediate difficulty, which with its 240 meters of altitude difference, crosses eaudious landscapes, where peace and silence reign unchallenged and where, if you are lucky, you can meet some animal of the woods. The route, in fact, also passes through the rocky wall of Castellaro, frequented by beautiful specimens of bone rooster and caprioles. This beautiful itinerary is also tractable even during the winter: the beating with modern snow groomers, in fact, allows both the north walk, and the walk with snowshoes.

Route from chalet at Campomulo at Malga Fiaretta

Trail to walk from the hut Alpine chalet at Campomulo Base at Malga Fiaretta

itinerario da campomulo

    • difficulties
    • Easy
    • Length
    • 5.5 km
    • Duration
    • 2 hours
    • Elevation min
    • 1,530 m a.s.l.
    • Max elevation
    • 1,647 m a.s.l.
    • Signage
    • Mista
    • Departure
    • Base Hut Malga Chalet At Campomulo

The route to Malga Fiaretta, departing from the Base Hut Malga chalet at Campomulo, is a short and easy path that, with only 117 meters, leads to the discovery of nature and history of the plateau.

The adventure through the memories of the great war and the traditions of the past start now: shortly after departure, you arrive at the crossroads leading to the monument built in honor of Pope John Paul II and, after 300/400 meters, comes the spectacular great war Military Observatory, from which you can admire a breathtaking view over much ofAltopiano dei Sette Comuni; continue along an old military mule track, between remnants of trenches and barracks built during the first world war, and finally to Malga Fiaretta, whose pool of mountain pasture, his pasture and the three buildings typical of the "malga" (shelter for animals, casa del malgese and casara) reminds us of the past and ancient traditions.

The path of silence – gate of memory

Trail between nature and history of the Asiago plateau

itinerario sentiero silenzio

    • difficulties
    • Easy
    • Length
    • 4 km (2.5 up to Campomuletto + 1.5 memory lane)
    • Duration
    • 2 hours and 30 minutes
    • Elevation min
    • 1,530 m a.s.l.
    • Max elevation
    • 1,660 m a.s.l.
    • Signage
    • Information signs
    • Departure
    • Base Hut Malga Chalet At Campomulo

The "Path of silence-gate of memory" is a simple circular route along which were set up 10 installations consist of contemporary artworks on the theme of war, to reflect those along about the horrors of war and the importance of the values of peace and brotherhood.

The 10 sculptures (Peace, Compassion, Hope, Letters, Witnesses, Armies, Live Flower, Black maze, the immortal, Glorious Fruits) have been made with durable materials (bronze, stainless steel and stone) and are accompanied by an essay or a poem. A path that arouses deep emotions, sobering and that allows the visitor to go toe-to-toe in nature and in history of the plateau.

itinerario sentiero silenzio 1

itinerario sentiero del silenzio gallio

itinerario sentiero silenzio 3

itinerario sentiero silenzio 2

itinerario sentiero silenzio 4