piste da fondo gallio

Pista agonistica Tagaloch

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    • 0/16 piste aperte
    • aggiornato al 18/04/2024
      • Campo scuola
      • Chiuso
      • Collegamento con Centro Fondo Enego bivio Campo Cavallo
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      • Pista agonistica
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  • Info rifugi

    • -/- rifugi aperti
    • aggiornato al 01/01/1900
      • Rifugio Base Malga Campomulo
      • Base Malga Campomulo
      • -------------
      • Rifugio Malga Moline
      • Malga Moline
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Tagaloch Competitive Track

Track for women's competitions and training

Pista AZZURRA-racing very hard

Pista AZZURRA-racing very hard

    • Signage
    • Azzurra
    • difficulties
    • very difficult
    • Length
    • 5 km
    • Time
    • Altitude difference

Treat is a competitive track and training specially built for high-level women's races. The track was created knowing a priori all the technical characteristics of the other tracks for the World Cup. 

The start and finish of the Tagaloch track are located, as for the Meimerle track, in the center of the Cross Country Stadium. It develops to the east of the access road to the Centro Fondo Campomulo with steep and long climbs, vast flat stretches and difficult descents with tight curves.

This is a very technical and selective track; here, the winner is certainly the one who knows how to ski perfectly downhill and has more "gas" to spend uphill.
