piste da fondo gallio

Pista Fossetta

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  • Info rifugi

    • -/- rifugi aperti
    • aggiornato al 01/01/1900
      • Rifugio Base Malga Campomulo
      • Base Malga Campomulo
      • -------------
      • Rifugio Malga Moline
      • Malga Moline
      • -------------
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    • aggiornato al 27/06/2024
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    Dear friends, summer is approaching and we are happy to inform you that the Campomulo Refuge reopens! For now, you will find us operating only on week …

Track Dimple

Track with move to Malga Fossetta



    • Signage
    • Yellow
    • difficulties
    • hard
    • Length
    • 26 km
    • Time
    • 3:30
    • Altitude difference
    • 360 m

The first part is common to Moline Track for about 9 Km to the junction to Dimple. Follow indication to the right starting a slight but steady climb for 2 Km until you reach Malga Fossetta (1666) and a little further on is the Church of dimple, in a clearing.

It continues North through the woods of Campo Casara over varied terrain, then a steep climb of about 70 m to do in the lineup. The path continues along a mule track that climbs winding until it reaches Monte Isidoro-Porta Molina in sight of the Valsugana. The return to Malga Moline is as described for the track Valsugana.

From Moline, along the stretch of "red" until Pra Campofilone and turn right as indicated by the yellow arrow. It comes down to Malga dry forest, climb to Casara Fiaretta, and, again in varied terrain, we reach the saddle (1624).
A kilometre of descent, a couple of bends and arrive at basic retreat chalet at Campomulo.

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Charter of altitudes

pista fossetta