piste da fondo gallio

Pista Ortigara

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  • Info rifugi

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    • aggiornato al 01/01/1900
      • Rifugio Base Malga Campomulo
      • Base Malga Campomulo
      • -------------
      • Rifugio Malga Moline
      • Malga Moline
      • -------------
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Track Ortigara

The track more difficult but also the most beautiful

BLACK RUN-very hard

BLACK RUN-very hard

    • Signage
    • Nera
    • difficulties
    • very difficult
    • Length
    • 29.5 km
    • Time
    • 5:00
    • Altitude difference
    • 570 m

Route of great interest, both for the environment through, for both historical references of the area reached.

It starts from the Basic Retreat chalet at Campomulo (see finish line starting) and uphill path you reach the saddle (1624), and Casara Fiaretta (Hut of dreams). Shortly after you arrive at a vast clearing where the view opens and the most famous peaks of the great war as a backdrop. A short but steep descent, a longest climb and it introduces in the woods of Fiara.

With varied path you reach Malga Boscosecco. The track continues uphill until you reach the junction that going right attached to the Prince's route (red) in the area of Pra Campofilone.

Turn left and go along the flat track with curves in the magnificent forest of from Mittenwald until after a couple of kilometers the fontanello to Boscosecco. From here climb and speed bumps you cross the area of the Busa di Terre blackberries, the Busa to comb the junction of Mount oven. Holding the left and climbs gently at first and then more sharply in a picturesque landscape and evolved, till the crossroads (1937) at the head of the Val Galmarara. Here the view is immense views.

Keep to the right and after less than a kilometre uphill you reach the coast fork Italy (1987). Here the track pointing Ortigara, in a desert of snow, for subsequent bumps, hollows and along the top of the 12TH and Top XI, bypasses Mount Campigoletti and reaches after about 7 Km (2106). The Summit is dominated by the commemorative memorial stone placed by national Alpine Association.

The descent towards Malga Moline (about 3 Km) is considered difficult or very difficult and it's not joke mechanically for big difficulties the groomer.

From Malga Moline you go back down to the shelter for the red track. When the snow does not bring back down the track is preferable to and at the junction of Mount Oven continue towards Malga Moline (see description track Valsugana).

In this case, the length of the runway is about 36 kilometres.

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Charter of altitudes

mappa ortigara