percorsi per ciaspole campomulo

Snow shoe trails

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      • Rifugio Base Malga Campomulo
      • Base Malga Campomulo
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      • Rifugio Malga Moline
      • Malga Moline
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    Dear friends, We update you on the opening and opening hours of our services: Cross-country trails ⛷️ Currently open every day from 08:00 to 16:00 - Ho …

Snowshoeing and Nordic walking

Snowshoeing trails among snowy landscapes

For fans of snowshoeing and snow walking, the Centro Fondo Campomulo also offers numerous paths for snowshoes (snowshoes) and Nordic walking, starting from the Base Campomulo Refuge or the Moline.

Anyone who wishes, from here he can go with snowshoes on fresh snow, fully enjoying the large spaces, great distances and great silences that characterize the north step of the Plateau.

Paths with departure from chalet at Campomulo

Beaten paths for Nordic walking and snowshoeing

The snowshoeing soft snow is really impressive, but as it requires a large expenditure of energy, routes departing from the Base chalet at Campomulo have always fought to reduce stress and allow the smoothly Nordic walking is that the snowshoeing.

The paths are marked with various colors and are as follows:

▆ Moline Path, along with two variations: 7.5 km
▆ Taverle Variant, by 2.8 km
▆ Variant Campofilone, 1.8 km;

▆ ▆ Route 5 km-long Mount Baldo, Monte Val Marie;

▆ ▆ Route Altar Pope Wojtyla, of 1.8 km;

▆ ▆ Military Observatory of the great war path of 2.3 km, with views over the Asiago plateau, including the famous mountains of the great war (Ortigara, Caldiera, Church, Campigoletti, etc.);

▆ ▆ Meimerle, 5 km long path.

ciaspolate campomulo

Other routes

Untrodden routes

Other routes, with departure from the Moline Refuge, are not beaten, so that you can fully enjoy the unspoiled nature of these places. 

If you want to face the entire route starting from the Campomulo base refuge, given the considerable distances, the ideal would be to reach the Malga Moline Refuge on the first day, stay overnight and perform the rest of the walk the next morning.

An alternative for those who do not feel like it or do not want to face the complete route, is to reach the Moline Refuge by snowmobile and from here continue with snowshoes.

Paths with departure from Moline

Off the beaten paths in nature

Paths with departure from Moline are not beaten and are suitable for those wishing to explore discovering nature in winter snow.

They also reported with various colors, are as follows:

Lozze Street, along Route Ortigara 4 km;

Path Ortigara via Val of Lamba, 4.2 km long;

Path Top Caldiera, 4.5 km long;

percorsi non battuti per ciaspolate


The rules to follow while snowshoeing

• The paths can be traveled freely, in each direction of travel, following the indications of the signs.

• In the short stretches of route adjacent to the cross-country ski trails, keep the direction of travel indicated in the signs, proceeding in an Indian row.

• Cross-country ski trails must not be damaged in any way (Regional Law no. 18/1190).

• Respect nature, avoid unnecessary noise, do not damage the undergrowth and bushes and do not abandon waste of any kind.

tramonto sulle ciaspole